Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde Movie Review


-The movie doesn’t follow the book, but does have some similarities. For example, the book never tells about Jekyll testing his experiments on animals but in the movie it shows him testing animals and even killing them because of his mixtures.

-The movie adds in new characters that weren’t in the book, and makes it a little confusing because you have to learn the new characters, and how they are related or connected to Jekyll or if they are even related/connected at all.

-The movie doesn’t clarify background characters very well. For example, Utterson wasn’t clearly identified and Lanyon wasn’t identified until the end of the movie.

-Jekyll in the movie isn’t as secretive so the mystery in the book isn’t really in the movie. In the book Jekyll is very secretive, sneaking around, locking himself in his cabinet, etc. but in the movie he is more open with his thought and the way he views evil and good.

-The movie seems to focus a lot on the romance aspect and not so much the mystery aspect. In the book there was no romance at all because Beatrice wasn’t even a character an Ivy wasn’t either but Ivy was one of the main actresses in the movie.



-There is more action and suspense created in the movie because Jekyll is so open with his opinions and not so secretive when he is Hyde.

-The movie is easy to follow, it doesn’t have flashbacks or random scenes, it flows very well and makes sense.

-The added scenes that aren’t in the book have meaning and make sense, which gives the book suspense and action.

-Ivy is like all of Hyde’s crimes combined in the book in one girl. He tortures her and ruins her life and eventually kills her but the movie doesn’t show Hyde going around and murdering people.


The movie was enjoyable, and although it doesn’t follow the book, and is in old fashioned black and white I do recommend watching it.


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